Colombia Camilo Enciso

Our special, limited edition anaerobic natural single origin coffee comes from the El Triunfo farm in Planadas, Colombia. 

The farm sits at 1875 meters above sea level and is run by Camilo Enciso and his wife, Adriana. 


As well as running the farm, Camilo is also the founder and president of the cooperative ASOPEP (Asociación de Productores Egológicos de Planadas).

This association was founded in 2013 and now has over 300 members across the Planadas region. Their mission is "To be recognized as the association that creates opportunities for the personal growth of its associates, protects the environment, innovates in commercialization processes and is always at the forefront in the world agricultural issue" aiming to be an association with the best quality of life for its members from a social, educational and commercial point of view.’ by 2030.

Alongside coffee buying and processing their projects include;

  • A barista school that started in 2016 in which World Barista Champion Diego Campos taught in 2017.
  • A women’s organisation that teaches handicrafts, personal finance and cooking lessons to women.
  • They host a children’s band that plays a mixture of traditional and more modern instruments.
  • Bird watching with ex-guerrillas, and systems to help vulnerable children to stop them from being recruited by current guerrillas to raise awareness of the natural environment and biodiversity.
  • Water and soil testing lab.
  • A project where they take photos with drones of each of the member farms to map the size and crop areas with the European Space Association.
  • A coffee and shade tree seedling nursery growing Castillo, Caturra, Typica and Pink Bourbon.
  • A ‘Bio Fabrica’ production area of biological fertilisers and pesticides. The soil analysis lab is used here to work out the nutrient’s contents of the fertiliser, as well as the farmer’s field to see where it can be most efficiently used.

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